Community Garden

The Sutherland Forest Grove Community Garden rents individual plots to gardeners in the community who may not have space for their own garden. Gardeners maintain their own plots and have ownership of what they grow.

We also maintain several community or “pick-me” plots (see diagram below) for those in the neighbourhood who are not gardeners with the community garden.


We are currently at capacity, however if you live in the Sutherland or Forest Grove neighbourhoods and are interested in a community garden plot, please contact the Garden at or Stephan Simon at 306-373-2421 to be added to our wait list.


If you do not live in Sutherland or Forest Grove, please contact CHEP Good Food, who can help locate a garden near you.


Important Information


Registration for returning gardeners will open soon. Plots are not allocated until registration and payment is received.

  • The deadline for returning gardeners will be April 30, 2024.


New gardeners on our wait list will be offered a vacant plot as they become available.

  • New gardeners must register and pay within 72 hours of offer.


Plot allocations are at the discretion of the organizing committee, using the following guidelines:

  1. Returning gardeners (one plot per household)
  2. Residents of Sutherland or Forest Grove currently on the waiting list
  3. Non-residents on the waiting list, for one season only
  4. Current resident gardeners, second plot, one season only

Gardeners Responsibilities


Your responsibilities as a gardener with the Sutherland Forest Grove Community Garden.





The University of Saskatchewan has an excellent resource for gardeners including general growing & how-to guides, information on common weeds, insects, and more.