Annual General Meeting 2024

Hello Sutherland Forest Grove Community Members!
Our annual AGM will be held on Monday, November 25th at 7:30 through zoom.
If you are interested in volunteering for a position on the board, or have questions, feel free to reach out!
Topic:  Sutherland Forest Grove Community Association AGM
Time: Nov 25, 2024 07:30 PM SaskatchewanJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 840 7912 8887
Passcode: 185330

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Meeting ID: 840 7912 8887
Passcode: 185330

Fall 2024 Registration

Sutherland-Forest Grove Community Association Registration


Fall 2024 program registration begins September 3rd at 8:00 am until September 8th at 8:00 pm.

Use our link to Sutherland Forest Grove Communibee registration. Please note, the Communibee app has been discontinued by the provider.


Registration Instructions:


Select the Programs drop down menu at the top of the page and choose Programs and Membership. You will be redirected to our Communibee site.

Add the SFG membership to your cart. Previously purchased memberships expired June 30, 2024. If you have already purchased a SFG membership for this upcoming program year, you may skip this step.

If you have a current membership with another Community Association, you may choose the free membership option. Please note that this may be verified with the other Community Association.


To register for programs:


Select Programs from the top or Indoor Programs 2024 on the left. Click on the down arrow and select the category (Child and Youth, or Adult) for the list of programs. Add programs to your cart. Once you are done selecting the program(s) you want to register for, select the cart at the top right.


If a program is sold out please contact our indoor coordinator to be placed on the waitlist.



CHEP Healthy Food Market

“There will be a Healthy Food Market from 3-5 pm on Wednesday, March 15th, 2023 at Sutherland School, with additional dates to follow. CHEP Good Food is collaborating with the school to help provide access and promote healthy foods to school families and community members in the Sutherland area. The weekly markets consist of fresh produce and a small number of dry goods through a local distributor, we also work with local growers as much as possible. Our mandate prioritizes affordability which has become increasingly important with rising food costs.”

CHEP Healthy Food Market

“There will be a Healthy Food Market from 3-5 pm on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 at Sutherland School, with additional dates to follow. CHEP Good Food is collaborating with the school to help provide access and promote healthy foods to school families and community members in the Sutherland area. The weekly markets consist of fresh produce and a small number of dry goods through a local distributor, we also work with local growers as much as possible. Our mandate prioritizes affordability which has become increasingly important with rising food costs.”

CHEP Healthy Food Market

“There will be a Healthy Food Market from 3-5 pm on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 at Sutherland School, with additional dates to follow. CHEP Good Food is collaborating with the school to help provide access and promote healthy foods to school families and community members in the Sutherland area. The weekly markets consist of fresh produce and a small number of dry goods through a local distributor, we also work with local growers as much as possible. Our mandate prioritizes affordability which has become increasingly important with rising food costs.”

CHEP Healthy Food Market

“There will be a Healthy Food Market from 3-5 pm on Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 at Sutherland School, with additional dates to follow. CHEP Good Food is collaborating with the school to help provide access and promote healthy foods to school families and community members in the Sutherland area. The weekly markets consist of fresh produce and a small number of dry goods through a local distributor, we also work with local growers as much as possible. Our mandate prioritizes affordability which has become increasingly important with rising food costs.”

Outdoor Soccer

Coaches are needed

If you have any questions or require non-online options for registering, please contact us.



Age 3-4 Wed 6:30-7:15 Location: TBD Cost $25. Please register for Mini-Soccer
through our Communibee site.


Under 5 and Under 9

Please register for U5 to U9 online until March 8th.


AgeCostFormatGamesPractice DayGame DaySeason
Under 5
Born 2017
$753 v 38 games on grass fields
3 games Mini FOS festival
1 game Timbit Jam
TBDMon or Tues
Possiblity of Fridays
May 2 - June 28
Under 7
Born 2016 & 2015
(Boys or Girls)
$854 v 48 games on grass fields
3 games Mini FOS festival
1 game Timbit Jam
TBDWed or Thurs
Possibility of Fridays
May 2 - June 28
Under 9
Born 2014 & 2013
(Boys or Girls)
$855 v 58 games on grass fields
3 games Mini FOS festival
TBDMon or Tues
Possiblity of Fridays
May 2 - June 28

Soccer Coordinator Wanted

Hello Sutherland Forest Grove Community Members,

We are currently in need of a soccer coordinator. Without this position we will be unable to begin soccer registration for our community.

Our Community Association supports all families within the Sutherland and Forest Grove areas, as well as surrounding communities with shared programming and affordable leisure activities, community activities and group events. We support students and families, businesses and organizations that make up our diverse and wonderful community and without help from volunteer members, these programs, events, and activities will not be able to run.

The volunteer hours are minimal, with peak times during registrations. There is no previous experience needed and you will be supported by the current group of Executive Board members, training workshops provided by the City of Saskatoon, as well as the Saskatoon Youth Soccer Association.

Volunteers are an essential part of any community association and by volunteering, you help to provide safe and affordable activities for both children and adults. Don’t miss the opportunity to support your neighbours, meet new people and become a valued member of the Sutherland Forest Grove Community Association.

Please contact our indoor coordinator Raelene before February 22nd.